Friday, July 27, 2007

Jaded Me

Hmmmm….I was re-reading some of my stuff, and I’m getting the feeling that I have a low concept of men. Almost like I don’t take them seriously, that they’re easily manipulated….for example – this little piece that I wrote a while ago…and a couple of my posts from earlier. Whaddya think?

By the way, it was under the subject of "Over-rated Honesty"....

Several people advocate throwing themselves on the altar of truth – while others are active promoters of the feminine mystique factor. So, which is the better method? Should you be up front and tell a man exactly how you feel about him, or should you withhold and play the ultimate coquette – hard to get?

I’ve grown up hearing the mantra that men love the chase – they are the predators and we are the prey. I don’t know about you, but I readily envision a Neanderthal man with long stringy hair, covered in animal skin and wielding an enormous club bellowing in pursuit of the chaste, innocent, woman sheathed in a gossamer gown. I mean, come on – the predator and its prey?! Have we really been demeaned to the animal kingdom?

However, though it pains me to admit this – I can see the wisdom of that attitude. It goes like this: Waaaay too often we put ourselves out there for the man who doesn’t seem to want us back. Unless you are one of the few who have eluded this phenomenon, you understand what I’m saying. If he is actively “hunting” us then we don’t have to worry about feeling wanted. We would already be emotionally secure in knowing that our man wanted us – not because we were convenient, but because he had to work hard for us. Nobody, a man in particular, is going to throw away a priceless treasure that took effort to obtain. Right?

Put it like this. A man sees the car that he wants. He worked hard – to the bone – for two years saving and investing to buy his ultimate dream car. Finally, the day has arrived! It is his – paid in full. He’s ecstatic. He’s more than likely going to name his vehicle, be extremely covetous of anyone who gets near it, lovingly clean it on almost daily basis, and drive “her” around with pride.

Take that same man. His uncle has given him a perfectly good functional Toyota. Not at all a hoopty, but not a luxury car either. It runs well and is always faithful – has taken him many miles and has most of the amenities that any normal human being should want or need. However, he takes this gift for granted, and is always looking enviously to the more lavish models.

Now, I’m not saying that women are analogous to cars! Though sometimes it seems that’s exactly what the media loves to portray. And I’m not naïve or silly enough to say that men are quite that infantile in nature– but male friends have continually informed me that they are ultimately simple creatures.

It makes sense. Yet, it also brings up the extremely controversial matter of “playing games”. Each sex heavily denounces the other playing games – “just be honest”, “straight-up” or whatever variation fits your reality. Basically, we trap ourselves. .......etc......

Oh, and Vixen gave me the Schmooze blogger award!!! But my signal is so low here that I keep gettting cut off every time I try to put it up....I'll do it when I get back home....


Vixen said...

Gossamer gowns? You've been reading too many Victorian era books. I heart you....I'm free this weekend, let's chat!

Shaft said...

The most attractive are not those who allow us to kiss them at once (we soon feel ungrateful) or those who never allow us to kiss them (we soon forget them), but those who coyly lead us between the two extremes.

itsnotmeitsme said...

I dunno, think of the guy whose uncle has given him a perfectly wonderful ultimate dream car - who would be happier then?

I think the answers are actually the same ones you came up with, but I think this is a better analogy. Or as I always like to say, if I had Paris Hilton's money, I'd play it a lot better than she does...

Of course, this doesn't translate into my love life at all. See, e.g., my entire blog.

RandomlySane said...

lol - thanks everyone