Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Are Law Students Emotional Wrecks???? I guess it all makes sense now....Type A, neurotic and narcissistic hmmmm???

Take a look at this from the Wall Street Journal - apparently law students are more emotionally distressed than med

Which, honestly kinda makes sense. Just to get through an undergrad science major probably (ha!) required a lot more discipline than it took for me to finish International Studies...the whole BS versus BA thingy....

On the other hand, I'm not gonna be ashamed just because I'm more right brained then left...anyway, the comments were cracking me up...

For instance -

"I would guess medical students are less emotionally stressed because they are never asked to be on the side of the disease.Law students, OTOH, are taught from their first high school debate class to argue either side of a question, even if they know what they are supporting is wrong, immoral, dangerous, or just useless. This cognitive dissonance is very stressful for all except those with sociopathic personalities, who then go on the become plaintiff attorneys and politicians.Let’s face it, when you’re trained to be a devil’s advocate, you’re often going to find yourself advocating for the Devil. "

1 comment:

itsnotmeitsme said...

HAHAHAHAHA... I loved law school, although I'm not sure what that says about me!

I can't imagine that I was more stressed as a law student than most of the med students I know. I just think that WSJ types know more law students than med students, and can't IMAGINE anymone being more stressed out than a law student. Med school is a whole different level.