Friday, July 13, 2007

My Bed

Alright - if any of you look at the time stamp on this thing - you'll realize that it's a little after 2am. And no, I haven't stayed up late like before. Instead I was a sleep by 6pm.

I know. Some of you are jealous. Some are pitying me because obviously I have no life. Whatever. Here's the thing - since my furniture is still in hiding (whole 'nother story), the only thing I have is my bed.

And it's the GREATEST bed in the world!!!! I usually have problems with mattresses - too firm, too soft, etc.... So, because I know that a good night's sleep is absolutley crucial in law school and my mental sanity, I got a memory foam - you know - the one with "Vera Wang" imprinted on it? Which is amazing in and of itself - like why is her name on my mattress???? Is it a selling point? I would of bought it anyway - BUT - it is kinda cool knowing that she's endorsed it - I'm such a moron (cue self-deprecating laughter).

Anywho, with the exception of the floor and some patio furniture - I do everything there. And it's so easy to doze off and not wake up. Which is why I'm watching an old black and white western and telling you all about my bed.

Oh, and if I haven't called you or missed your phone call - sorry - haven't been in the most talkative mood. Still slightly depressed about my furniture.

1 comment:

Vixen said...

Excuses, excuses. I don't feel the love!