Thursday, August 02, 2007

Faces of Iran

Deena Guzder

These are pics from a fellow intern I met at AI in NYC. Since then she graduated from Columbia's School of Journalism and has been working as a reporter. Her latest assignment sent her to Iran where she said a lot of American's won't see what normal life is like in that country. I love these ones because who can resist children?

But then I think about this little boy in Iraq:

Look at his eyes.


itsnotmeitsme said...

Wow, the photo on the bottom is amazing. It is nice to see real life in Iran - the girl in the second picture down has this look like "I am so cool..." From the neck up she looks totally Jackie O. Were all those pictures taken by your fellow intern?

Now I would like a smoothie. Anyway, I'm not even sure I know what "bitch you poppin" means, so I guess I'm pretty safe...

RandomlySane said...

Lol - I know, they're awesome. And yeah, Deena took all the pics.

Honestly, I don't know what it means either, but I can imagine....