Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day

Okay - so before I start my mini-tirade about law school I have to say this -

Vandy is GREAT. The professors and students are totally friendly. And I absolutely LOVE the environment. So, far everyone is friendly and

Anyway, today was my first day. I woke up at around 6 did my little routine of reading my Bible, making breakfast, watching the news and getting dressed. Got to school about 8:30 (couldn't find parking near the school) and was ready for class at 9:10.

Cool. Class was actually interesting - though everyone (myself included) were probably a little too anxious to raise our hand (trying to get the pressure out of the way). Oh, and now I understand the gunner mentality. If your grade is only based on one exam and class participation, who doesn't want to make sure they get the professor's attention????

Okay, here's the thing - I'm too tired for a tirade. It's 7:40pm and I just got home, and I STILL have about 2 hours worth of reading!!!!! Plus, I got make dinner, exercise, and have just a tiny bit of me time. I know why you can't work your first year....and this is only my first DAY....


Vixen said...

You should spend your me time with Ash. It's totally worth it. TOTALLY!

Kelli said...

You do realize exams are graded anonymously by number, right? And most professors say they give participation points but if they actually do, it's only like .172323 a point.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to professional school, years of hell await. Enjoy

Anon from VA