Thursday, May 17, 2007

Road Rage

Okay - the MOST hilarious thing happened today. So, I'm driving to my doctor's appointment, chatting on the phone with my sister. I get to my exit - which is kinda strange - it merges with another street on the right. Anyway, there was another person coming up in this red truck with his indicator on - apparently trying to merge left while I was trying to merge right. And me, being the wonderfully polite person I am, decide to slow down and let him over.

Well, who told me to do that??? Next thing I know this dude stops immediately to my right blocking traffic and starts yelling at me. I'm surprised and like "what the hell?". Couldn't tell if it was a he or a she with a really bad mullet. But whatever...I keep on exiting. Dude pulls up behind me at the light and gets out of his car, yelliing some more. I'm still on the phone, roll my eyes and make sure that I lock my doors.

Anyway, long story short - I'm moseying along and he comes up besides me rolls down his window and gives me the most hilarious and extra "F you" I've EVER seen! Like his hand is totally extended and vibrating in his anger and his mouth opens like some aggravated wild boar.

So, what do I do? Do I return the finger, keep driving and ignore him? No. I pull up next to him and roll down my window. As I open my mouth, he screams "Why are you rolling down your window/pulling up to me", or some other variation - and I say - get this -

"I'm sorry. I thought you were changing lanes." As I shrug my shoulders, look on sadly with wide eyes, and wave contritely. You should've seen the look on this guys face. Classic. "Oh" - and a wave and he's off.

Alright - so I can't really describe it...but take my word - it was hella funny...
It's always so satisfying to "pour hot coals of fire on people's head" usually feel like idiots... :O)


Counsellor in Cultivation said...

older is better. no joke. there's no drama/pretention/games and they're good in bed :o)

good luck with him -- let me know what you think!!!

itsnotmeitsme said...

Wow. I don't think I would have handled this as well as you! I probably would have been scared to death... One of my friends actually got rear-ended FOUR TIMES by someone who then tried to run her over when she got out of the car to get his information! Just be careful out there!!!

RandomlySane said...
