Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm Back...

Hey all,

As some of you know I was in "The City" for a bit. It was great. The weather was absolutely gorgeous - not too hot, not too cold - just that middle of the road, gotta be outside weather.

I was there for a friends graduation. It was loooong and quite boring for the most part, but it did have some good parts...the main speaker was a guy named Larry Silverstein. An apparent billionaire who owns probably half of the city along with Trump. I guess he was the founder of the Masters in Real Estate at NYU - and he was/is the leaseholder for the WTC...yada yada yada...
Clearly, I never heard of him before their commencement, but his message was inspiring...and after reading the comments on my last post - I decided to share my newfound ...da da dadum...wait for it -----

Lol...he talked about success and work ethic and how crucial it is to keep moving forward and being an optimist. Then he said something that felt like it was directed solely for me - He said, that the main thing that will hold you back and stop you from coming forward is -, cyncism.

That cynics rarely are truly successful/happy with their lives because they are constantly complaining and masking it as reality. In his viewpoint, cynics can never be leaders because they have no message to give - just limitations. Well, that really hit home. Even my friend who was graduating said she thought of me when he made those remarks.

So, I'm announcing it here. I am doing my best to see the positive and live a more relaxed life. Of course, I don't think change comes over night, but I'm gonna do my best! (See extra exclamation points - I'm starting to the process already!) lol...


Another Asian Law Student said...

optimism is why investors also lose so much $.

(trying to play devil's advocate)

RandomlySane said...

True - but it's also why they make

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

omg i loved reading this -- it sounded like something i would have written. i tend to take a very negative and sour outlook on things but i've realized within the past few months that you just CAN'T DO THAT. things are all in how you percieve them and if you take that negative slant on everything, then everything is bad. it's so fucking hard and cliche but most days you just gotta force yourself to put on the rose colored glasses.

just wait til you get to law school... you'll see how fucked up the world really is.

itsnotmeitsme said...

Good for you! I know I'm always ranting on my blog but I really do try to see the positive side of things - and it does leave you so much more relaxed!

You're going to lawschool? NOOOooooo... No seriously, congrats!