Thursday, June 07, 2007

“Reunited and it Feels so Good”

Lol…okay – so I broke down and joined MySpace….I know, I know…what was I thinking? I’m 25 years old. But – I finally broke. Curiosity got to me and next thing I know I was joining. At first it was just to see some friends profiles and then I spiraled out of control and joined! (sigh – oh well…)

Anyway, the point of this post is that I don’t regret it. Because of one of my friends I saw some profiles of people I haven’t seen in years! I’m talking about guys I’ve known since about age 10 from church and haven’t seen since I was like, I don’t know, 17 or so. It brought back a lot of memories of who I used to be…lol….

I used to try to block out those years. I was quintessential nerd. The glasses, the braces, the one who used to compete with my friends about who got the highest A in class, walked with a very defined slouch and was always reading. Even my so-called friends used to call me “ungoy” – a Tagalog term that means monkey. Yeah – not the most flattering – especially for a minority!

I always hung out with the “rejects”, Goths, and other high school “undesirables”. Interesting thing is seeing how we’ve all changed over the years – and “come into our own”. I’m not the same person I used to be, and neither are they. But my past really has shaped who I am today….hmmmm….just some thoughts….

Plus, if you all read the comments on my last post - you'd know that Vixen and I are old friends from college too...the age of technology - ain't it grand?


Kelli said...

Ah, Nashville. You'll have a lot of fun. Tell me what kind of things you're into when you "go out" and I'll definitely tell you some places. I can say two easy things: 1. JJ's Market is the study place for law students. Free wireless, excellent selection of coffees, teas, gourmet chocolates and such, and lots of great table space and some couches. Not too loud, either. 2. The Flying Saucer is probably the best pub of all time. Tuesday Nights are Trivia Night, with the "Drink While You Think" tag line. About 50+ beers on tap and even more bottled. Monday nights are Pint Nites where almost all pints are $2.50. Most of the Vandy kids go there, but I think most tend to be undergrad on the weekends during the school year. So yeah.

BCC said...

high school memory lane should be blocked off and annexed from every other path of our lives, but we love to go look, huh? i was the kid that didn't belong in any group, but could hang with any of them