Sunday, June 24, 2007


Hey all - so, I finally made it down to Nashville - in the wee hours of this morning...suffice to say, I'm indicated by my use of some interesting

Anyway, I know that I was (and still am) totally excited about the humidity down here. but it's a bit overwhelming. To go from dry, hand-chapped Colorado to air dripping with moisture Tennessee in one day is different. My skin literally feels dewy - which I guess can be good for a girl - but I still have to get used to it.

Plus, my place still needs some improvements. I have some very basic stuff missing in my bathroom as well as some other things that were supposed to be taken care of before I came down, and haven't, tomorrow is going to be long day with the furniture coming and all...

But that doesn't dampen my excitement at finally having my own place! The only thing is, I'm too sluggish to thoroughly enjoy it :O)

By the way, my parents took me shopping at Costco today (yay!) but went a little overboard - I had to call my friend to bring her Jeep to help carry stuff to my place - no complaints there!
(Oh, and for those of you wondering - the above pic is not my place. It would be fabulous, but I'm not that lucky!) Which actually makes me think of HGTV - I used to hate that channel. And I do mean hate....but now I'm totally into it. Find it quite fascinating....anyone else? Or am I alone???


BCC said...

no luck on my end... you're flying solo

BCC said...

p.s. paid position

Vixen said...

I hate HGTV...mostly cos I can never afford the stuff I see on there, so I avoid it like the plague. Good stuff on your move..>FINALLY! I've been working like a fiend lately but we'll talk soon. xoxoxo