Sunday, June 03, 2007

Knocked Up

So, I was going to write about something entirely different - but that will have to wait.

Have you seen Knocked Up yet????!!

I haven't laughed so hard in .... in ..... dude, in years! I swear it. That movie is absolutely, stomach hurting hilarious. Thing is it's incredibly realistic, totally quirky and off the wall, mega funny.

Oh, but don't get it twisted. It's totally not children friendly. And it has an EXTREMELY graphic scene. Extremely - but totally entertaing! Like there wasn't one scene that I didn't crack up in - not one...

So, if you haven't seen it yet - go on...

I'm buying it as soon as it comes should too!


Anonymous said...

is it a chick flick?

RandomlySane said...

Not at all - totally equal's actually probably more of a dude's movie than a chick flick...

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

good to know. i was wondering if it was boy-friendly.

RandomlySane said...

it is - you can totally take alpha male as long as he's not too's totally stupid/stoner humor...