Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dreams and Allergies

So, I just read this totally random rambling post from The Pink Highlighter and was inspired. I don't think I've mentioned it before, but the last couple of nights have been absolutely terrible - days actually.

Remember my trip to Nashville a couple of weeks ago? Well, the friend I was staying with has a dog. A dog who hadn't been groomed in a looooong time. And I, though I do adore dogs, have serious allergies to their hair. This dog - aptly named Frizzie - had the longest and stringiest hair I've ever seen on such a small dog. Needless to say, my allergies were my great friends for my entire visit. I was popping pills like they were going out of style.

Okay - so I get home. And since I've been here - I feel like I have a dog hair stuck in my throat. Seriously. Like I inhaled it and it won't come out!!! Yes - it could just be my allergies going haywire, (hmmmm - hay, allergies....) but I swear it's true. No matter what I drink or eat (yogurt to soothe it) it won't budge. Call me crazy - but I can feel it and it's irritating the hell out of me. On top that I'm totally sniffly (word?) and feel achey, blah, blah, blah....yeah, I'm sick...

The only interesting thing about this whole thing is that my dreams have been incredibly realistic and odd. You know those kinda dreams where you feel like you haven't slept at all? Well, the first night myself and a whole bunch of random people were trying to run, but with a wall of resistance that we couldn't break through. Like slow motion on crack. We were running/swimming/pushing our way forward, while another person trotted over us on a horse calling out encouragement. I wish I could explain it, but I can't. Suffice to say, I woke up exhausted and heavy.

Last night was better. I dreamed that the cast of Grey's Anatomy and I went on some sort of trip together. Well, not all of them. Just Sandra, Kat, and Ellen. We were all going to the same school and they had some shoot to do in the mountains of Colorado. So, we were going to be roommates, but for some reason I didn't talk in the entire dream. Just was there. Observing and hanging out without really saying anything. I remember making one comment and Sandra was like "Oh. She speaks." - or something equally snarky (word I totally stole from the blogosphere).

Now that you are completely catatonic I will stop. I'm only up because I got a call at 5 am from a cousin (you know who you are!) looking for my sister. I am completely annoyed. Not at my cousin - at my sister. But that's for another day...or not....


Vixen said...

Gracious that was hella early. Sorry about your allergies, I hope that frog clears from your throat. It was so nice speaking with you yesterday. Hugs!

RandomlySane said...

Thanks chica. Same to you!