Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Peeling Back the Layers

So, I'm re-reading this amazing book called "Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?" It talks about our fears as humans, methods of ego-defense and the likes. Basically, it's about personal growth. It's interesting, 'cause I just wrote this about a week ago:

You know how the things you are usually most angry about, are the characteristics that you portray the most? Why is that? It’s irritating. I’ve realized that I tend to see the world negatively and in a cynical light rather than a positive one. It’s something I’ve been aware about for some time now. Years even.

The problem with this is that I automatically assume that people’s motivations are inherently selfish. After all, we all want to take care of ourselves, right? Or is it? There is another school of thought that adheres to the belief that people are relatively good.

Is it because my naiveté and idealism has been crushed by reality? And now I’m almost completely jaded? Of course, I cover it up with being “realistic”, but how can I truly be happy if I’m always seeing the bad instead of the good?

I guess I'm just "projecting" my negativity on'm the selfish one! Honestly, this is a FABULOUS book that EVERYONE should read. It's totally short, clear and brutally honest in its assesment!

In other news, I'm going to law school!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol...I know, I know...I just got a little excited thinking about it :O) And Nashville no longer sounds like a bummer - especially since they have like 5 universities in the area...oh, and did I mention that Vandy is now ranked #16 in the nation - right under UCLA - so no more wondering about moving anywhere else....
Here's hoping the men are attractive and plentiful!


BCC said...

it is interesting that you (or, the author you endorse) purport and infer that "inherently selfish" is mutually exclusive with "relatively good"; perhaps they can coexist in some realms.
as far as law school goes, please accept my condolences

RandomlySane said...

Good point. Those were my thoughts. I was wondering how much my perception of the world (more positive vs more negative) shapes me...

As for law school - what year are you??? :O)

Anonymous said...

No need for you to find men in Nashville. What happened to us?

Anon in VA

RandomlySane said...

I was soooo waiting for that comment! lol...I almost put an insert in my original post just for you said "so close, yet so far"... :O(

BCC said...


Counsellor in Cultivation said...

hahahahahahaha hot men in law school? GOOD LUCK my friend :o) seriously though, i'm so excited for you!!! I remember this time of year last year... just life changing. there is no other way to put it. I like your thoughts on selfishness -- at the end of the day, i'm not going to lie, i'm looking out for #1 = me. until i find someone that makes me want to look out for them, well, then that's not IT.