Saturday, September 29, 2007

Errant Behavior

This past week has been very eventful. I've finally laid two men from my past to rest.

One - from seeing him and realizing that I don't miss him after all. The other - from not seeing him and realizing that he's a jerk. Basically, I was a delusional idiot for thinking there was more substance to either one of them.

Incidentally, the first stopped talking to me some years ago, because of his girlfriend (now wife). And I haven't seen him till this week. We literally bumbed into each other at school, where he apologized for his past behavior and in the same breath asked me if I could be one of his reference's for my law school. pretty much all I have to say about that.

As for the second, I don't feel like wasting my time even talking about it. Let's just say that if I never speak to him for the rest of my life, I'll be okay.

In other news - I found 4 gray hairs this morning!!!! 4!!! All this time I thought I wasn't stressed or at least that I was handling the pressure in a healthy way. Apparently, I was wrong.



Anonymous said...

I guess you are still holding out hope for me since I was not mentioned in that above blog. LOL

Anon from VA

RandomlySane said...

lol - yup...too bad you're taken (shaking head sadly)

itsnotmeitsme said...

I am trying not to look too closely at my head for fear of gray hair... My mom has gone gray, but she still looks blonde to me, so hopefully I'll go in the same direction.