Wednesday, January 31, 2007

'Nother Race Post...

Alright. So, I said that I would talk about the AA thingy. But before I did – I decided to browse some of these forums and see what they had to say…

Well, they said a WHOLE lot. So, instead of reviving a dead horse – I will say this: You know what one of my biggest pet peeves is???? (Don’t even know if that’s grammatically correct)

People who assume that skin color equals cultural equivalency!!! It’s one of the most irritating things I hear. Especially, the whole “can’t YOU ALL just get along.

Let me start by saying – all Asians are NOT Chinese, all Latinos are NOT Mexican, all blacks are NOT African-American, and all whites are NOT wealthy and spoiled! LOL – though they are in the majority

This applies to all of us. We each have stupid stereotypes about each other based on tradition, personal experience, etc….Frankly, I don’t care. Just don’t assume. Period.

Everyone is different and comes from different backgrounds. You don’t know me. You may think you have insight because of some facts I share – but unless you are an intimate friend or family member please do not have the unmitigated gall to [ASS]UME anything.

And hey, guess what? Life is unfair. Affirmative Action is a bandaid trying to hold a larger infection at bay. And, it’s not based solely on race either. I’ve heard Adcomms say that the greatest beneficiary of it has been white women. Could be right or wrong. I don’t know.

You know what? I was totally obsessing about placement and prestige, etc…but when it comes down to it – wherever I end up will be where I’m supposed to be. Like I said before, I have few to none serious regrets. Each experience is a learning experience that helps me grow into a better person.

You know what I loved most about my graduate program? That out of a small class of 40 students, we had different cultures, languages and experiences. The great part? We TALKED about them in detail. Laughed. Joked. And realized that we are now ADULTS who don’t need to accept previous generations’ viewpoints. When it comes down to it, it’s all ignorance anyway.

I had one grandmother warn me about those “deceitful Indians” while the other’s Mom was straight from Delhi. Grew up hearing that I should never, ever, ever, ever date a Jamaican, Haitian, or any man from the continent of Africa. Why? Cultural differences and negative encounters. But, perspectives and past experiences aren’t always indicative of truth.

So, what am I trying to say ultimately? We all have biases and prejudices rooted in a variety of things – be aware of them and don’t let them shape your choices.

Whew. Okay – done preaching.

Oh - and for the record - I have now been accepted to American University in DC - forget!


Vixen said...

Woohoo! Congratulations! I almost missed the announcement at the end---you must be thrilled.

RandomlySane said...

Yes I am! Good school, hot men. What's not to like? :O)

RandomlySane said...

Oh, and for the record - this was actually posted on another blog of mine...hence the "forums" reference...