Monday, December 18, 2006

When a Man Loves a Women

I took a crazy road trip this weekend. Left home at 6pm Friday night, got into Huntsville, Alabama around 1pm the next day. Took a shower ran some errands and rested for a couple hours. Proceeded to drive to Chattanooga, Tennessee, got back to Huntsville around 1230am Sunday morning. Slept. Woke up around 8am and left for Colorado again. Made it back at 5am Monday morning. My friend slept for a couple hours and headed to work, while I slept in.

Anyway, since we had such a ridiculously long trip, we had ample time to talk. And one of the things we discussed were men, their egos, and what it means for a woman. We both realized that we had valid trust issues because of the behavior of men in our lives.

Now I realize that it’s very simplistic to say that all men have fragile egos and only think with “one head” so to say. But, I think what is most important is that men tend to be extremely sensitive. More so than women. Yes, we may cry more and talk about our feelings. But, men find validation in women making them “feel like a man” or in constant affirmation. I know. I’m making a huge generalization, but think about it.

It’s easy to say that all men want is sex, etc. But the truth is, it’s not necessarily the sex per se that’s driving them. It’s the feeling that is associated with the sex. How many times have guys gotten into relationships with absolutely crazy women because of how that particular girl made them feel? Or why do men cheat on their wives? Because they no longer feel like “the man” at home. The list goes on. But it all boils down to one thing: Most men need to FEEL affirmed. Period.

So, here’s the problem. You know you love your man. Respect him, etc. However, you don’t always feel like you have to express it. Do it ladies. If you don’t I’m sure someone else will. And depending on the current tone of your relationship, it could be a reason for leaving you. I hate to sound so dire. But reality is that relationships take work and that men really are the “weaker sex”. least emotionally. Give him what he needs or he just might find it somewhere else.

Thought anyone?


Anonymous said...

"The weaker sex" I don't know about that but doesn't everyone one men and women both like to be affirmed and loved. But it is nice to be supported and affirmed, some women don't know how to do it.

Anon from VA

RandomlySane said...

Yes - I agree that everyone wants that...I just didn't realize how much it was important. I was listening to the radio today, and they said that approximately 50-70% of men cheat on their girlfriends/wives, and there is a definite correlation about how a man feels to how he acts out...

For women, it's easy to forget that men have feelings too....

Anonymous said...

"Weaker sex" is a rather controversial term. Both men and women need to be affirmed. However, with men this doesn't necessarily need to be in a verbal form. Women tend to require a lot of verbal reassurance. Whereas with men, subtle behaviour and small gestures can be just as effective.

As men we are not trained to discuss and express our emotions the way women are. Therefore if a man does not feel affirmed in a relationship, for whatever reason, he's more more likely to look elsewhere for this affirmation rather than confront the issue. He may not even realise what it is that he is looking for. He'll just know that when he's with a particular lady, he feels better about himself than if he's with his non-affirming partner.

As a woman, you need to be clued up to this (because chances are he's not), otherwise you're running an unnecessary risk to your relationship.