Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm studying. Came home around 5, watched tv for a couple hours and promptly fell asleep. Got up at 12:38am. I've learned that I study best with little to no distractions.

Oh, and as I was reading one of your blogs, I mentioned to a classmate that I blog. Of course, she asked me for site, and after a bit of hesitation I gave it to her.

What are your thoughts? In letting go of anonymity?


BCC said...

oooh... that can be a sketchy situation. depends on the person, but generally speaking, as anonymity is decreases, one's ability to write openly and uncensored also decreases. if your friend has a blog, too (read: ALS and me), then it is mutual blackmail to not reveal one another's identity... or, it may not be a big deal.

Kelli said...

Bad idea. Unless you trust this person not to tell anyone else.

California Girl said...

The only person I have told that I blog is my best friend. I trust him.

By telling people I know, I know myself well enough to then feel I have to censor my thoughts and writings. Under the cover of darkness, in the middle of the night, over the phone and through the internet, the anonymity of letting go is what I count on to be able to write freely.

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

one of my largest fears = being discovered -- i feel it would destroy my ability to write freely... sometimes i already feel the ability is somewhat compromised simply by knowing others read...or the risk that what i say could somehow slither back into my life...

itsnotmeitsme said...

My friends read my blog. My GOOD friends. I wasn't about to write something interesting and not share it with them. But people I barely know? No thanks. I tried going to the DC blogger happy hours and most of those people are complete tools...

RandomlySane said...

Thanks everyone - its too late now - but maybe it will keep me "kosher".