Monday, October 29, 2007

I've finally....

Cleaned my room - in its entirety!!!! Whooooohooooo....I was totally productive this weekend ;o)

Probably helps that my folks are coming to visit.


California Girl said...

My dad recently gave me less than 24 hours notice that he was going to be in my neck of the woods and wanted to know if he could stay for the night. Of course he could - I was thrilled to have him here. However, I didn't have time to do all the clearing up and cleaning up that I wanted. When he made one comment about my carpet [it really does need cleaning] I told him my home looked lived in. He looked at me and said - That's a good answer! Funny how we don't really show ourselves - even to our parents. I'm sure your home was just fine, even before you cleaned it up.

RandomlySane said...

Thanks Cali girl! They ended up NOT coming, but I do like the peace of mind...especially while studying :O)