Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I'm packing - except that I don't have any boxes yet :o(. I want to get all my stuff organized before I box them up, but it's taking much longer than I thought it would...

I plan to be out of here in two weeks and I can't even get my stuff together.

In other news: I ended it with "older guy". Actually, come to think of it, I only mentioned him to CiC, but it was kinda sad. He's absolutely great. Not only do we click on so many things (personality, dreams, travel, service-oriented, etc) but he's a man. Not just physiologically (!) which is a plus :O) but in all the other essential things. Knows what he wants. Completely honest. Totally appealing. Plus, he's from New York and works in DC (sigh) and I totally have a thing for East Coast guys.

However, there was one essential thing that we couldn't agree on - religion. And I hate to say it because if you've read one of my previous posts - you'd know that I'm not the hugest fan of the organization. Ironic thing is that he's not the strongest adherent, but he is definitely involved in his denomination and is clear that he wants his children to attend the same parochial schools he did. Which is an absolute no for me - something that is not even up for debate.... So, long story short, I stopped it. Which was a lot harder than I thought it would be - it's only been a couple months...so what was up with me crying???? Hormones? Or just a stupid decision? (sigh) I don't know.... Anyway, he still wants to take me out and of course I said "sure" like an idiot. Watch me fall harder and change my mind...

On a final note - I've been watching the Republican debate - and I would vote for Ron Paul - too bad he doesn't have a chance - oh, and Romney is a hot mess...I think he took a hit tonight.


Anonymous said...

So you were cheating on me, I knew it. I am so hurt. I should be the one crying

Anon in VA

RandomlySane said...

lol - look at the upside - i ended it ;O)

wait a sec - i didn't say anything when you were two-timing me with those chics up there! don't feel threatened - you're my one and only :O)


Vixen said...

Sometimes you just have to follow your gut, heart as well as your head. Good luck packing...let me know if you need boxes, I once got a stack of 100 boxes from Ebay with packing supplies & some bubble wrap...I can send you the seller if you need it.


RandomlySane said...

Thanks Vix - I'll let you know. As for him, he said it sounded like I really liked him and was scared - which was totally true...so, I don't know. I keep wondering if I was more scared of being in an adult relationship and used religion as an excuse because it was easy...(sigh) maybe I am repeating a pattern...hmmmmm...something I have to think about...

Vixen said...

NO FUCKIN' WAY! I'm about to kick you clear cross country for not telling me that this is my Spades nemesis! I've been reading your blog for months, reading your comments on mine and only just found out that N of NSquare has been in the blogosphere all this time!!! Were you playing with me or something? You could have come out and said..."Hey Vix, remember me?" H. Effing Roosevelt, RS you have some explaining to do! How ya been girl? And how did you ever find my blog?

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

awww so sad. you could be right that it is some sort of subconscious protection of your heart...religion is a BIG deal. but if you really really like him i wouldn't let it get in the way. at least not yet. one day at a time. its too damn scary to think about the future.

itsnotmeitsme said...

Wow - a few months is too little time to be thinking about kids - but yeah, I totally understand what's up with the crying. Even when it's someone I don't like, I cry - no matter what, when you go out with someone, you wind up thinking about what the future's gonna bring, whether it's the next two weeks or the next two years. And it's sad to lose that.

Good luck with the packing! I'm doing the same thing and coming to the slow realization that I am wayyy more into material things than I thought I was!