Sunday, August 20, 2006

On Being Single

Now, I'm sure that we've all been there before. You're walking around by yourself somewhere (incidentally, not in the best mood) minding your own business, when you feel it. Those slight pity glances from smug women on the arm of some guy – whose eyes quickly transmit sympathy before quickly looking away when you return their gaze.

Suddenly you empathize with that solitary gold fish in a glass bowl, being intently studied by five set of children's' peering eyes. And something in you wants to shout "Yes – I'm single, AND!??"

Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit paranoid. But how about those well-meaning older married women at church who whenever they see you are compelled to ask – (every Sabbath!), "how's your love life dear?" in their sugarcoated concerned voices. I, for one, am tired of smiling back and saying as sweetly as possible "nonexistent".

So, I've come up with a new response "It's wonderful, thanks for asking", smile again, and then promptly excuse myself.

After all, Jesus is the lover of our souls, right? And before you sigh and think, "I knew that's where she was going...blah, blah, blah..." and immediately tune me out - I'm not saying that we won't get lonely. I do – often. My point is that we shouldn't believe that we're lacking something because we may not have a significant other.

Truth is...

Okay, let's face the facts. Our society thrives on romantic liaisons. Romance surrounds us daily – we are bombarded with it wherever we go. From books, to television, theater, music, family and friends the ideas of love and intimacy are constantly colliding into us as we attempt to go on with our daily routines.

No matter how hard we try, we can't avoid it. Reality demands that we recognize it for what it is. Within and without the church, romance has taken precedence over the minds of many people.

Truth is, almost all of us want to experience romantic love – men and women alike. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to share our lives with someone. It’s perfectly healthy. In fact, that’s how God intended it to be from the beginning.

But do people have to be soooooo incredibly irritating about it???


Anonymous said...

Preach sister. Maybe God just wants us to be single at this time. Do people think of that?

RandomlySane said...

:OP Thanks Vin...try telling that to my Grandmother!