Saturday, August 04, 2007


So, I'm totally supposed to be sleeping right now. Instead I've been reading random blogs and doing whatever else one does on the internet for 2 hours when they should be sleeping. Especially considering the fact that I'm going to church in the morning. But whatever.

Since I am awake for at least another 30 minutes (my battery is about to die and I am not getting up to find the cord) I'll tell you how I found my new appreciation for "good guys", Mr. Nice guy, etc...

I ended up going to a club the other night. The how's, with whom's, and why's are not important. Anyway, I'm not a big club person - been to some in LA/Hollywood/Beverly Hills/Vegas and that's pretty much it. And of course I had my group with me. Friends who I can totally let loose with.

Not this time. This time, I was with some girls I literally just met maybe an hour before. Incidentally, before I really met one them I met her boobs. Yeah. That's what I said. I came to her place and she was trying to put those clear nipple pads on or almost died laughing.

Then I helped her.

It was hilarious. But I digress. We went to a new Nashville club for black professionals. Which means I was in total "I'm not interested mode". What can I say? I'm a racist. I never think that white guys, latino guys, asian guys or any other race would be interested in me.

Only black guys. And not just only - all. Anywho, we walk in and there are a bunch of dudes smoking, drinking, doing whatever it is you do in the club. I was appalled by a number of things.

1) That along with lotion the bathroom attendant (who had at least 2 gold teeth) was offering black and milds! (To those who don't know what those are, it's like a fake cigar/cigarette with a very distinct smell.) HUH???

2) The annoying dudes who kept staring at me like they wanted to say something and only
stopped when I deliberately turned away from them and talked to the guys that
were with us.

3) The 1 white white-haired old man who was flirting with young black girls. Sorry. It
was just disturbing on so many levels. (I know - totally not pc.)

4) But you know what bothered me the most??? The songs. (Warning: Any underage
readers stop now....OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE)

And I quote -

"Bitch you poppin'"??????????????

"Let me see your tits and ass"????????????

And the women (educated mind you) had the NERVE to get up and say/yell/scream - "Ooooooh, this is my song!"


Did I mention that I stayed in my corner the entire night? I sat, I stood, I chatted. I observed. And.Did.Not.Move.

By the way, this took me almost 20 minutes to write 'cause I was too lazy to go and get my glasses.


Vixen said...

Reason # 9 why I stopped clubbing.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I agree most of the songs in the club are crap and don't about nothing, but that is also most of the songs that are on the radio now. Unfortunately, all you need ]is a good beat now and a some kind of hook but the song can become hit. haven't totally left the club seen yet but i feel you, I am close. and go to bed early, if you are going to church. NO EXCUSES

anon in VA

Counsellor in Cultivation said...

you're disgusted with men now? I can't wait to hear your impressions 2.5 months into law school. yup.