Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Vernacular Splitting

First off, thanks to Metheus (as you can see - I stole your term...it's catchy) and JustJenny (coudn't find a pic - so I took one from your obsession) for answering my questions! Yay - no more sad/teary smiley face.

According to Wikipedia (the most trusted information site ever!!!) :
Prejudices are abstract-general preconceptions or abstract-general attitudes towards any type of situation object or person.

Stereotypes are generalizations of existing characteristics. These reduce complexity.

I have lots of prejudices....I think that's why I'm living in Nashville, to eradicate some of my misconceptions about the South. I can't remember if I've said that before, but everybody has been absolutely great. The friendliest and most helpful people I've ever been around....lol...

Of course, I'd have to be the cynical "are they for real?" person.....go figure.... And the really ironic thing is that I call myself "open-minded" - but I was only "open" to those who believe the same thing I do/did - it's an ongoing process....

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